Friday 25 July 2014

Thought Bubbles

Ever wanted to say something really badly and the thought just lingered in your head and you couldn't get yourself to say it...I face this situation a lot and as a defense mechanism revert to Thought bubbles..yes like in comic strips you have people with a little bubble on their heads saying something, its exactly like that...i love the idea of a thought fascinates me as...I love guessing what people are saying and what they're actually trying to say...

Writing was easier earlier...

I've realised am a lazy writer. Either I write too much or too little. Its just never perfect. The words are not complete and neither are my sentences. Its like my mind & my typing speed & my education in language skills are just not in sync. They all are like arguing, debating political parties, where each one wants to prove his superiority against the other. I write, then rewrite, then erase and maybe end up writing the same thing again. On good days the word flows, on bad days I get stuck after about two lines. There was a time, when I would love writing with an ink pen on a recycled paper, the smell of the paper, fresh ink, hand stained with constant wiping of the pen, the pink blotting paper kept on the side, just in case the ink spills and most often it would.

It was so easy to write then. When we knew that paper was expensive and that space was less, hence the words would be measured. No meandering thoughts, no long pauses, no time for laziness. Every word would have a meaning, and for every thought there would be a word. Such elegance where one would sit back and look at those lovely pages filled with words & thoughts. Those pages & diaries would be kept at the back of the cupboard where no one would have access to them. I miss that writing. I miss writing. Every time I promise myself I will write more, I don't. Lets hope this time around I continue this for atleast sometime to come.