Wednesday 1 February 2012

Women and footwear

Shoes / Footwear/ Heels / Sandals call it what you like, but women can't seem to get enough of this ever...there's is a strange connection between shoes and women...One can tell a lot about a woman depending on what she is wearing in her feet...Even if a woman has enough pairs to match with all her clothes she would want one more pair- why? because there's always that one perfect pair missing [its always going to be missing!] Mind you, selecting a pair is as much as a task as buying them and keeping them...its like a just have to indulge in it whenever possible...its like how men like talking about cars, women like talking about shoes.

A few days back I was at an exhibition for wedding stuff...and all sorts of women turned out for all kinds of footwear. There were women with flat sandals - the practical sensible variety who really were there to shop, then there were the PYTs in their strappies - the latest pickups from shopping websites, there were aunties who decided to put all their body weight [and that's a lot of body weight we're talking about] onto 3 inch thick heels with which they could barely walk forget strut...

What intrigued me most were the aunties in their heels. It looked like they were all competing to see who could walk the slowest...You know just looking at them, amused were a bunch of ladies who were well into their late forties, early fifties and yet the confidence with which they walked in their heels was nothing less than amusing...After being on their feet for over 2 hours they could barely stand and yet they somehow managed to drag themselves everywhere, not once taking a break. I felt a bit sorry for their tired soles [souls]. 
Why do women wear these monstrously invented heels and torture themselves? How can one expect two poor looking 3 inch long wooden pegs to hold sooo much body weight? Makes me want to ask - what were you thinking??

Friday 13 January 2012

Sach ka Saamna

The one show that I've worked on which will stay with me for a long time to come will be Sach ka Saamna. The people who came on the show and the things they said just made me redefine the values that some of us grew up with. 

Some people call the show against Indian culture whereas some say its just pervert viewing. Yet its all these people and many more who watch the show and love others dirty laundry getting washed in public. Yes its voyeuristic watching but honestly I find nothing wrong in the show. If there are people who want to confess the things they do, then why stop them? Atleast they're honest enough to admit to the secrets we live with everyday and refuse to acknowledge. 

The show besides bringing me closer to reality has also made me non judgmental about people. Everyone has a reason to do what they do. It might sound illogical to some and nonsensical to some, but there's a reason to every action. Although it still makes me wonder, why people would ever come onto the show besides of course the money...Do they really want to speak the truth or they want their 15 mins of fame...The stories range from the extra ordinary to the bizarre to the ones where you just want to beat the person up. But these are they're stories, things that they have done to other people and the thoughts that make them who they are. Each story a unique experience and each story has a different ending. 

Monday 9 January 2012

Thought Bubbles

Ever been a time, when someone is chatting with you and all you can think of is passing really smart comments on what they're saying without actually saying it aloud? It happens to me all the time. My boredom threshold is really low and when some people make inane conversation I get these absurd thought the other day someone I know, was talking about some stuff that was going on in his life...and I had zero interest in what he was saying, yet needed to give polite replies to I resorted to thought bubbles and the conversation turned fun...Its like having a what-they-say and what-they-really-mean virtual chat with yourself...You should try it out...its super fun and an assured way to get through absolute dull boring to death chats which one is subjected to all the time...Just make sure that you don't start giggling and smiling to yourself [like I do sometimes] because then it looks like your unsympathetic and a bad listener...I manage to get away by telling people that I was just trying to spread some cheer in their otherwise dull dreary life...But it might not work all the time ....Give it a shot...Thought bubbles are huge fun...

Friday 6 January 2012

Back to writing

Its been several years since I stopped writing for various reasons and always wondered even if I wrote who would read?? Several people in the past have always told me to get back to writing but never took it up again...these last few days however I realized that am so opinionated that i need to constantly keep saying something just because I have to say it. So blogging is what I think is the best way. I get to write and others will get to read something. I don't promise to be funny or philosophical. Like the millions of others I too would be sometimes pointing out the obvious and being stupid. But I get to do what I think I enjoy the here's hoping for the best :) cheers